Announcement on our Notified Body Status for the PPE Products
08 / 04 / 2022Dear Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers,
The notified body services that we have been providing for many years on personal protective equipments are not been able to be provided since 30 May 2021 due to latency in the regular renewal of our accreditation (such accreditations are renewed every 4 years) on this field. Our notification on this field is not still renewed by the authorised institutions.
In the accreditation renewal process, our company has completely fulfilled all kinds of information, records and assessment requirements requested from authorised institutes with a full openness and cooperation. Finally, on 19 January 2022, our accreditation studies in this area were completed and our accreditation was renewed to be valid until 30 May 2025.
Unfortunately, within the period of approximately 3 months after the completion of the accreditation renewal, the renewal of our notified body status is still not completed by authorised governmental bodies.
We would like to remind you again that the certificates issued by our company before the date of 30 May 2021 will be valid until the expiry date written on them.
For Category 3 products, although the validity of the EU Type Examination documents issued by our company is valid until the expiry date on them, an authorized notified body will be required for the mass production of these products, our customers who produce them should apply to another authorized notified body for the monitoring of the compliance of mass production against the EU Type Examination results. Products in Category 3 must be marked with the identification number of the Notified Body from which they receive the production surveillance service, not the EU Type Examination Certificate. It will not be appropriate for manufacturers within this scope to mark their products with our 2163 Notified Body identification number and place them on the market.
Announced with respect