Public Announcement on Our Notified Body Status
28 / 06 / 2021We would like to announce that Universal Certification is always developing its services and enrich its technical competence in all fields of conformity assessment. We use the accreditation as the proof of our technical competence and conformity to international conformity assessment standards. Even in pandemic period we did not stop any of our services and extended our capability in all of our services.
Recently our accreditation in the field of management systems certification is renewed by our accreditation body (TURKAK) with scope extension to cover certifications in the field of Privacy Information Management Systems.
On the other hand, despite the fact that we are not obligated, we decided to get a laboratory accreditation for our internal laboratory activities for respiratory protection devices (masks). We are expecting to complete the assessment process and get accredited in July or August.
Due to the heavy traffic of accreditation assessment within this pandemic period, it was not possible to complete the renewal of our accreditation for product certification activities which is a base to be a Notified Body for CE marking of the products on the EU market before the expire date of our accreditation on 30 May 2021. Even our accreditation for product certification is extended for 1 more year before the completion of renewal assessment by the accreditation body, due to delay of notification information to be delivered to the EU Commission by the notification authorities our status on the NANDO system is returned to “expired” due to the finish of accreditation period.
The extension of accreditation information is already delivered to the EU Commission by the Turkish Notification Authorities. Our Notified Body status is restored for Construction Product Regulation and similarly we are expecting our status for the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation. This notification process and announcement on NANDO database takes place between the notification authorities. We are not involved within this process.
We receive too much questions on when the NANDO database will be updated, but we cannot answer this question because of the fact that we are not involved within this process.
We would like to remind that according to the EU Regulations, the certificates issued by us before 30 May 2021 are still valid and manufacturers can use their certificates.
We hope that our notification will be published soon and unnecessary discussions will be closed.
Our company was brought on the screen in last months causing suspects on our certification services. We are technical companies working with standards and not willing to be on the media like it’s not our business. We know that most of such attempts was carrying commercial aims in behind.
We would like to remind that, in the beginning of pandemic there were almost no mask to wear and even authorities were inviting people to close their mouth and nose with their t-shirts. After 8 months there were no lack of mask anymore, even a great competition was started between the mask manufacturers and traders. The availability of this amount of mask is achieved by the entrance of many new manufacturers to the market, mask manufacturers and also manufacturers of fabrics used in mask manufacturing. The monitoring of quality of masks produced by these new manufacturers was not easy. Our company has been one of the most strict Notified Bodies during this period. Even in pandemic conditions more than 95% of audits conducted onsite.
We want to underline that we had great contributions to the manufacturers during this pandemic period to improve their manufacturing system to conform the standards for these products.
We will continue to serve the community for all products within our scope.
Kind regards