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It is an international-scale management system model ensuring development of quality understanding in the institution, increase of profitability, efficiency and market share, effective management, reduction of costs, satisfaction of employees, improvement of in-house communication, wide monitoring and control in all activities, reduction of returns and customer complaints, increase of satisfaction.

ISO 9001 Standard was revised by ISO in 2000, and was published as 9001:2000. It was revised by ISO in 2008 and published as 9001:2008, and was revised again in 2015 and published as 2001:2015.
ISO 9001 Fundamental Principles
• Customer Focus: Institutions should understand the current and future needs of customers, comply fully with customer candidates and try to surpass customer expectations.
• Leadership: Leaders organize and ensure a unity of direction and purpose. The leader of the firm should create such an environment within the firm that people can participate fully in accomplishment of the targets of the organization to lock on the target.
• Participation of Employees: People at all levels are assets to the organization and their full participation and capabilities can be used efficiency for the benefit of the institution.
• Process Approach: When activities and related assets are managed as a process, successful results are realized far more efficiently. P, Plan, Set Targets & Processes; U, Implement.. Implement Processes; K, Check.. Monitor & Measure; İ, Improve. Ensure Constant Improvement.
• System Approach to the Management: Determination, understanding and management of the interrelated processes as a system ensures active institutions, and efficiency in realization of targets.
• Constant Improvement: Constant improvement of the entire performance of an institution should be a permanent target of the institution.
• Improvement: Enhancing of the property and characteristics of the product means enhancing of the efficiency and effectiveness of the processes used to produce and distribute them.
• Realistic Approach in Decision-Making: Effective decisions should be used based on the analysis of information.
• Supplier Relations Based on Mutual Benefit: An institution and supplier are interdependent, and have mutual benefits to enhance their capabilities in forming an asset, and efficient relations should be established in this scope.

Benefits of ISO 9001
Increased quality awareness of the employees, increase in the market credit of the Enterprise, difference from competitors in marketing activities, the advantage of a quality certificate with international validity, increase in customer satisfaction and loyalty, diminished error rates, outages, reprocessing, effective performance of input, production and final controls, providing possibilities in selection, evaluation and follow-up of suppliers, facilitation of determination and distribution of in-house powers and liabilities, creation of documentation (substructure) to ensure standardization of the Enterprise activity, formation of the substructure to ensure regular keeping of retrospective records, capability to do status analyses in line with data and statistical measurements, and utilization of these analysis results in decisions for the future.




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